Climate change is a global phenomenon and Nepal being an agricultural country
is more affected by it. Vegetables are more sensitive to climate change and sudden
rise in temperature as well as irregular rainfall at any crop growth stage can affect
its yield. So, this study “Farmers’ perception and adaptation towards climate
change on vegetable farming in Kathmandu district” was performed from May to
June, 2023 with an objective to know about adaptation strategies undertaken by
the farmers to mitigate the impact of climate change and their perception towards
climate change. A sample size of 100 respondent farmers was taken by using
simple random sampling. The study revealed that 96% of total respondents were
being affected by ongoing climate change and facing different natural hazards.
So, to tackle such scenario, 86% of farmers were trying different adaptation
strategy including mulching, drip irrigation, cultivation of vegetables in plastic
tunnels, etc. to mitigate negative impacts of climate change. Climate change also
influence the pest and disease occurrences, migration to new places, time of
appearances. . The number of weeding for a crop in a season is increased from
last few years. Farmers are using heavy chemicals as alternative to reduce the
incidence of diseases and pests. Farmers are adjusting planting and harvesting
times in response to climate change, affecting crop cycles. Disease and pest
resistant and drought and adverse climatic condition tolerant varieties should be
introduced to farmers by showing them its benefits. Farmers should be supported
with the technical assistance related to disease, pests, and new practices like IPM
and drip irrigation.